Okay, so I'm not going to do social media other than this. You wanna know what's going on? Hit me up here. I don't promise it'll be anything earth shaking, but it's what's going on with us- our nuclear family. Together we're Tay, Rae, Hae, and May. This is a recount of A day in the life of... Us!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Pregnancy so Far

In a word- Unpredictable!

My symptoms I suppose are normal, but very inconsistent. I've been mainly "sick" at night- I don't want to move and eating has not really been on my agenda. And I'm fine one minute, but the next is unknown. But now it's getting somewhat better. Monday we will be nine weeks along, almost done with that risky first trimester.

Last Thursday 10-22, was a very scary moment. I started bleeding!! Normally I'm calm when it comes to medical things, but not this time. By the time the afterhours on-call doc called back, I was already sobbing out of fear. He told me to rest for the night and come in to the office in the morning. Talk about a night full of tears!! Ironically, that night I had been feeling well and had "big" plans, if you call making macaroni and cheese something to look forward to...

In a nutshell, I went to the doctor's office the next morning and had blood drawn. Two hours later, my nurse called and said my numbers were crazy good. Whew, but not out of the woods yet. An hour later we went in for our first sonogram (at 7 1/2 weeks). I cried tears of joy when we saw and heard that little heartbeat! My OB couldn't tell me what caused the bleeding , but that it happens in 10% of pregnancies. So I suppose I'm abnormal. (Who didn't already know?)

Over the last week, I've really tried to "take it easy." But, really, that's not going so well. First, the nature of my job involves a component of lifting (it's not called physical therapy b/c it's easy). And second, how can I not hold my beautiful little girl? So it's difficult, but I'm trying. Also, I've felt terrible and have only been on the elliptical once since finding out we're pregnant. I've been so tired that my free time is spent trying not to think about feeling yucky. In the last week though, it's beginning to get better. BUT, no exercise for at least two weeks post bleeding.

Yesterday, my appetite found it's way back to me. I think I ate for about 2 hours and was still hungry! I'd list it out, but it's too embarrassing. And then my body is telling me I'm sleep deprived... Ahh, daylight savings time is ending! Just in time!

So I'm feeling bloated (even the word is unappealing), hormonal and lazy. It's sorta like a hibernating bear. Don't mess with me! But honestly, after last week's scare, I'm really embracing the rollercoaster ride of this pregnancy. Just when I start to internally complain or feel negative about the changes, I just remember how truly blessed I really am.

Oh, and no real belly yet- just (ugh) bloating...

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