Okay, so I'm not going to do social media other than this. You wanna know what's going on? Hit me up here. I don't promise it'll be anything earth shaking, but it's what's going on with us- our nuclear family. Together we're Tay, Rae, Hae, and May. This is a recount of A day in the life of... Us!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nearing the end?

More house progress this week, but I'm a slacker on the pics (Sorry!).

Been working with the bank on the final paperwork. My banker is concerned that the house won't be finished when the builder says it will. Funny- the builder is concerned the banker won't have all the paperwork finished when he says it will. So if you ask me, each are in charge of their own destiny. AND- closing has been scheduled for Feb 19. Yup, that's this Friday!! Can't be anymore excited and nervous and skeptical...

Since our house is in the boonies, our cell phone reception is not so bueno. So, I called AT&T to see about a home phone (but primarily internet). They set me up a 4 hour window to wait for the AT&T guy. And wait I did- for 4 1/2 hours! AT&T was a complete no call, no show. And I waited in my car in the cold, rainy weather. What a waste of my time from work. Well, not completely... I checked out a library book Scream at the Sky and essentially finished it in one day. Taylor thought I was crazy to sit and wait that long. But, really, I got to have some quiet alone time without any pressing issues. Was kinda nice. AT&T ended up coming out to the house (unexpectedly and without our presence necessary) and hooking up the phone line. DSL is a no-go in our neck of the woods- only dial-up. Still working on that one...

The granite has been completed this week and the tile is as far complete as they could go. Plumbers have been in and we got some sinks and toilets and fixtures and my bathtub hooked up. Electricians have begun their necessary work as well. It's pretty exciting to see all the progress and know that (hopefully) within one week we will be sleeping in our house.

All in all, the process of building has gone smoothly. Now that we're nearing the end though, I think the stressors are getting to Taylor and I. There's the concerns of what gets done inside and outside of the contract, and our list of things yet to be done. AHHH!! Phone, internet, TV, driveways, our new bedroom furniture, Haley's new bedroom furniture, moving, paperwork, payment amounts, closing on time, getting my new cookware and silverware, bedding,, chest freezer, TV(s), Macy's things... AAAHHHH!! Don't remind me...

Really though, this whole home building process has been a test of faith. Not just spiritual faith, but in the all around sense of the word. That's why Taylor and I have agreed that Macy's middle name shall be Faith. The significance of the word spiritually and "real world" just caps exactly what the last few months have been for us. Plus, Haley is Grace and now we will have our Faith. I think it's fitting and significant.

With any luck, the next time you hear from me will be several weeks from now, as I will be so super busy unpacking (I'm forbidden from actually moving...) and settling in that blogging will be on the back burner. I will begin boxing up the apartment Monday and Tuesday (T works). Wednesday I have a committee meeting and then back to boxing Thursday (T works some more). We should complete the walk-through and closing on Friday (according to schedule) and begin wrapping up loose ends and non-heavy moving (like our food). Tay's determined we're renting a U-Haul so we don't have to make multiple trips with a stock trailer. So we'll load up the apartment Saturday and hopefully also empty out storage that day as well. Yeah, our plate is full.

I may be calling on some of my girlfriends to help me unpack and decorate the house... FYI

Wish us luck!