Okay, so I'm not going to do social media other than this. You wanna know what's going on? Hit me up here. I don't promise it'll be anything earth shaking, but it's what's going on with us- our nuclear family. Together we're Tay, Rae, Hae, and May. This is a recount of A day in the life of... Us!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

False alarm

"You won't be pregnant forever." I think Dr. Locke was reading my mind Tuesday morning. Maybe it was the pained expression on my face or the look of confusion or grave disappointment.

Monday I had been awakened a few times with mild contractions. They increased in frequency and intensity throughout the day. By Monday night, I was nearing tears and the contractions were almost 5 min apart. Taylor was supposed to work, but ended up staying home to take care of me and Haley. I really thought Monday was going to be our night. I had been in contact with my nurse and she made an appt for me first thing Tuesday morning.

After checking me, Dr. Locke found that I was only dilated to 2 cm and no further effaced. So Monday was just a hoax. I was completely prepared to be admitted Tuesday and to meet my Macy. But that's not what God had planned. As I have been telling Haley for months, Macy won't "come out" until God says it's time. Now I'm reminding myself of the same thing.

To prevent labor, it's probably prudent to keep taking it easy. But since I'm at 36 weeks and it is no longer necessary to prevent labor I refuse to take it easy. I miss being a mother and a wife and doing my normal activities. So I have banned bed rest (with my doc's permission) but did agree to rest when necessary.

The hard thing is not knowing what to expect. After Monday, my sis-in-law cancelled her flight down. No point in having an infant with her, unable to go to the hospital when that's exactly where I'm at. I did make an appt to get my hair cut today. At this point, looks like I might make it. :)

So that brings us up to date. Still more waiting. I'm ready to meet this impatient little girl who is keeping me on my toes.

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