Yes, still.
Had another check-up on Tuesday. I'm still at 2 cm and only a little more effaced at 80%. Membranes still intact (ie. my water hasn't broken). So basically no change. We talked about some of my concerns and frustrations and have an induction date set in case she doesn't come before then. We're set for May 28th (at 4 a.m.). That's the Friday before Memorial weekend.
Usually we hit the Frio River for Memorial, but could you imagine me in a bikini floating at 10 months pregnant? HA! That makes me belly laugh! Then I quit because it hurts...
So my last post outlined by increase in activity in hopes to stimulate labor. Somewhere between squats and jumping jacks, lunges and power-walking, my abs decided to revolt. I tried to roll over in bed night before last and was awakened with a sharp stabbing pain in my upper abs (which are now located closer to my earlobes than my navel...). I'm 95% sure I tore that thin piece of meat. And that's persisted for two days now. Fortunately it doesn't hurt with contractions, but it does scream with every other movement.
And I've kissed the floor goodbye. Well, not literally since I can't reach it anymore. Haha! I do have a great assistant who's not usually willing to help, but will agree if the bribe is right. My sweet four year old likes to be "Haley Helper." And her behavior is straightening out. YAY! Funny story- she came home from school the other day and asked "Mommy, what did you do at work today?" I reminded her that I'm not going to be back to work till after Macy is born. Without skipping a beat, Haley says "Well, tell me what you did on the couch today." Wow, called out by a 4 year old!
So that's it. Just more of the waiting game.
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