Okay, so I'm not going to do social media other than this. You wanna know what's going on? Hit me up here. I don't promise it'll be anything earth shaking, but it's what's going on with us- our nuclear family. Together we're Tay, Rae, Hae, and May. This is a recount of A day in the life of... Us!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Despite My Best Efforts...

... I am still pregnant. I really wanted Macy to come on 5-20-10, but she had her mind set on other things. I really tried to help her out, literally. I had hardly slept the night before thinking how nice it would be if I could meet her on Thursday. And I woke up ready to start my day.

I helped Haley get ready for school and took her. When I got home, I did dishes and stayed on my feet as much as possible. Then I played my trump card-- I weeded the back yard by hand! That involved squatting, crawling on my hands and knees, bending straight over yada yada. Even though initially the ground was far away, I finally stretched it out. (And as a bonus my torn ab wasn't screaming just yet!) I weeded for two full hours. And no contractions came...

So then I tried some of the "natural" techniques that I had seen online and been recommended. That did give some strong contractions, but they quit as soon as I stopped. By this time I was pretty discouraged. So I tried walking (waddling) to the mailbox. And it's a decent clip away since we're rural. And still nothing.

Next on my agenda was a kids' birthday party. I again tried to stay on my feet most of the time but then my ab, the thickness of thin-shaved deli meat, was beginning to become irritated so I rested some.

In the end, all that I have to say for my efforts is that I lost my mucus plug (eww!). I was pretty excited, but then I called the nurse to see if it was time to check into L&D. Same ol' same ol' "If your contractions are not yet 5 min apart, you're not having bleeding or if your water hasn't broken then it's not yet time." Bummer. And she went on "The mucus plug (eww!) can be lost as early as 32 weeks even in a pregnancy that runs to term." Now more bummed.

I had been having contractions, but hadn't been timing since I was at the party. I only had 2 contractions during the 25 min ride home. Oh, now totally bummed.

I finished the night by reading a chapter in my book and sleeping soundly (something that hadn't happened in 2 days of nervous anticipation). I think the only thing keeping me together at this point is that I have a scheduled induction date in one week. YAY! There is a light at the end of the tunnel! I think...

One of my friends joked the other day that Taylor and I will have gray hair before she's even born. Flash forward 7 years: "Hey Mom and Dad, I have this big project due tomorrow. I forgot about it. Can you help me?" Seems to fit the bill so far.


  1. Good luck getting her to come! I bet you are anxious! I've heard of red raspberry leaf tea and castor oil, brave enough to try that yet? I'm 37W2D now and no sign of anything either. :D

  2. Hey, James' mom said that with Matt she took castor oil and he came... maybe you should try it...??? Glad we got to wave at you at church today! lol
